2022 Top Academic Achiever Prize

The alumni of the Faculty annually fund various bursaries for financially needy and academically deserving students. However, until 2020, exceptional academic achievement has never been specifically recognised. In 2020, the Law Faculty Trust first introduced a prize (amounting to R200 000, which approximately covers the tuition cost of a legal qualification) to an academic top achiever.* 

Following the 2022 academic year, we can now announce the third recipient of this award: Emma Dachs. Emma Dachs obtained her BA (Law) (cum laude), BCom (Hons) (Economics) (cum laude) and her LLB (cum laude) from Stellenbosch University. She is busy completing her articles of clerkship at ENSafrica. Congratulations, Emma!

(Afrikaans volg)

Die alumni van die Fakulteit befonds jaarliks verskeie beurse vir finansieel behoeftige en akademies waardige studente. Alhoewel, tot 2020 is uitsonderlike akademiese prestasie nooit spesifiek erken nie. In 2020 het die Regsfakulteitstrust vir die eerste keer ‘n prys (ten bedae van R200 000, wat ongeveer die onderrigkoste van ‘n regskwalifikasie dek) bekendgestel wat aan ‘n akademiese toppresteerder gegee word.**

Na die 2022 akademiese jaar kan ons nou die derde ontvanger van hierdie toekenning aankondig: Emma Dachs. Emma Dachs het haar BA (Regte) (cum laude), BCom (Hons) (Ekonomie) (cum laude) en haar LLB (cum laude) aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch verwerf. Sy is besig om haar klerkskap by ENSafrica te voltooi. Baie geluk, Emma!

*[All LLB programmes, i.e. LLB (four years), LLB (three years), LLB (two years) and BAccLLB, qualify. Students are considered for the prize when all the requirements for graduation are met, and all compulsory law subjects (weighted average), as set out in the last two years of the LLB (four years) programme, are taken into account (with the exception of Law of Civil Procedure as it falls in the final year of the BCom and BA (Law) programs). Furthermore, the programme must be completed in the minimum period.]

**[Alle LLB-programme, dit wil sê LLB (vier jaar), LLB (drie jaar), LLB (twee jaar) en BRekLLB, kwalifiseer. Studente word vir die prys oorweeg wanneer hulle aan al die vereistes vir graduering voldoen en alle verpligte regsvakke (met geweegde gemiddelde), soos uiteengesit in die laaste twee jaar van die LLB (vier jaar)-program, word in ag geneem (met die uitsondering van Siviele Prosesreg omdat dit in die finale jaar van die BCom en BA (Regte)-programme plaasvind). Verder moet die program in die minimum tydperk voltooi word.]

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