The recipient of the Marius de Waal Law of Succession Prize (annually awarded for the best academic performance in the module Law of Succession) is Ms EM Van der Watt. Ms R Retief and Mr U Grobler are the joint recipients of the AJ van der Walt Advanced Property Law Prize (annually awarded for the best academic performance in the module Advanced Property Law).
The prizes are sponsored by the SU Law Trust in memory of our former colleagues, Professor Marius de Waal and Professor André van der Walt. The value of each prize is R10 000. We hope that this recognition will inspire the recipients to continue to perform at such a high standard during the rest of their legal education and careers.
(Afrikaans volg)
Die ontvanger van die Marius de Waal Erfreg-prys (jaarliks toegeken vir die beste akademiese prestasie in die Erfreg-module), is me EM Van der Watt. Me R Retief and mnr U Grobler is die gesamentlike ontvangers van die AJ van der Walt Gevorderde Sakereg-prys (jaarliks toegeken vir die beste akademiese prestasie in die module Gevorderde Sakereg).
Die pryse word deur die US Regstrust geborg ter nagedagtenis aan ons voormalige kollegas, professor Marius de Waal en professor André van der Walt. Die waarde van elke prys is R10 000. Die US Regstrust hoop dat hierdie erkenning die ontvangers sal inspireer om voort te gaan om op so ’n hoë standaard te presteer deur die res van hul regsopleiding en -loopbane.